This photo of my sister on a San Francisco trolly was painted using one brush, limited water, and with Nicholas painting by my side. It's a step in the painting direction.
I began painting in February of 2008, as a way to process the loss of my little boy in December of 2007. I confess, I do not consider myself an artist, as I have too much respect and admiration for those true artists who are masters of their abilities. I guess I would consider myself an “escape artist.” I use art as a therapy of sorts. Through art, I am striving to increase my perception of the world around me, cope with stress, work through my sorrow, and find the life-affirming pleasures that the creative process often brings. Therefore, I paint those people and places that only bring me joy. To view my brief journey, please visit Circle Painting and Portrait of a Dog’s Life (see blog list). Please sign my guest book at the bottom of the page to let me know you stopped by.